Monday, 21 May 2007

I'm cold

Orange is finally getting cold. Predicted to be 8 degrees max tomorrow.
And I got told today that it's not even *cold* yet. I have to wait until there is inch thick ice on the windscreen and icicles hanging off the guttering.

I found an Australian weather webpage that not only tells you the current official temp, but what temp it "feels" like. I could have told them it "feels" like 5 degrees.
Weatherzone site for Orange

I'm a lot more in tune with the seasons here. Probably because I'm not jumping between climate zones every second week. When I arrived in Orange last October, John's street was lined with the one variety of tree with pink and white blossoms. Wish I had taken a photo. Since 90% of the trees in Orange are deciduous, last month all the trees started turning yellow, orange and red. Our lawn and street is crunchy with leaves. And I can definitely tell you that winter is on its way.

Though it never did get really hot.....

Thursday, 17 May 2007

Welcome to my new blog!

Hello everyone,

I've decided to create a blog since I never end up telling everybody everything that I want to. So here I can do it just once. It will probably be more of "this is the interesting stuff I did this week" including photos, rather than anything rambling and philosophical.

This is my temporary blog, since now that I've got some inspiration I want to start straight away. I am eventually going to host a blog on my own domain, but it involves time spent with ftp clients, MySQL, and other things I've never heard of. For those in the know, does anyone have a recommendation on a good blog template? I did a quick search and have so far settled on b2evolution, but I am definitely open to suggestions.

For blog beginners, the best thing about this format is you leave me comments. Try it now. Click on comments below.
Since the blog is in the public domain, I recommend not mentioning full names, addresses and phone numbers.
