I couldn't open the car door because the rubber seal was frozen to the car frame. And no wiper water, cos it was also frozen in the tubes.
This blog is somewhat in response to Jad's comment about road conditions.
NSW roads are almost always in bad condition. For everyone in Western Australia, don't complain about the extra few cents you pay on fuel for road tax, it is very much worth it. The only good roads are the toll highways in Sydney, so you have to pay extra to use them anyway.
The speed limit on the road out to work is a 100km/h, but in WA it would probably be 80km/h. It's narrow, winding and potholed.
I have occasionally heard Perth drivers been accused of being bad, and having driven in Sydney I can understand why. In Sydney, there are so many cars, close together, going fast that you have to be continually alert, and take even the smallest opportunity to turn or change lanes. There is no margin of error.
In Perth, you have the luxury to hesitate, wait for a better opportunity and become rather lazy about driving.
But this also means that NSW drivers, especially Sydney drivers, are extremely bad country drivers. Driving too fast, or very close to cars in front, and overtaking dangerously.
And then you add ice.........There are always a few bad accidents every winter. But there are also lots of accidents even on dry summer roads just from people being dickheads.
They don't salt the roads as they don't usually get too icy. I haven't experenced any icy roads yet *cross fingers*.
They don't salt the roads as they don't usually get too icy. I haven't experenced any icy roads yet *cross fingers*.