Saturday, 31 May 2008


I flew into london on tuesday morning and John arrived in the evening.
I'll be catching the tunnel train to paris in a couple of hours.

London was how I expected it to be:
Pubs with character on every second corner.
Room temperature beer.
Red double decker buses and black taxis.
Amazing old buildings.
The sky is overcast.

Some unexpected things:
Beer really cheep.
Police constables everywhere.
Seeing the queen drive into Buckingham Palace.
It hasn't rained much.

I'm love the history.
We're staying in a backpackers that used to be a courthouse where Charles Dickens once worked.
Visited a war museum which had the ship gun that fired the first allied salvo in World War One.

Blogging update

I haven't blogged in a while and my main blog page is currently bust, but since I'm currently travelling europe I will resurrect this one to share my adventures.
